About the National Market Surveillance Office
About Us
Market Surveillance of construction products in Ireland is lead by the National Building Control and Market Surveillance Office (NBC&MSO) as prescribed under S.I. No. 682 of 2020, who have a team of authorised officers dedicated to carrying out reactive and proactive market surveillance on a nationwide basis. The National Building Control and Market Surveillance Office leads and coordinates the National Market Surveillance Strategy in conjunction with the 31 Building Control / Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs) for Market Surveillance of Construction Products, with the aim of strengthening the oversight and enforcement of the existing construction products regime and establish a systematic approach to ensure effectiveness of market surveillance and enforcement activities.
Main Role of National Market Surveillance Office in Relation to Market Surveillance of Construction Products Under the Construction Product Regulations.
- Ensure that adequate resources are made available for market surveillance activities.
- Ensure the appointment of competent authorised officers by Dublin City Council and that staff appointed as authorised officers:
- are appropriately experienced and trained to undertake inspections and investigations, and have received suitable legal training, as they may be required to testify in court in circumstances where legal proceedings are taken against an economic operator.
- adhere to the Guidelines for Market Surveillance Authorities published by the County and City Management Association to assist MSAs in carrying out their functions under the CPR.
- adhere to the Good Practice for Market Surveillance Authorities published by the European Commission (January 2017) in so far as it is relevant to the CPR.
- adhere to relevant Circular Letters issued by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
- Leading, rolling out & coordinating the National Market Surveillance Strategy in conjunction with local authority MSAs, National Competent Authorities and other technical expertise, when necessary.
- Investigate cases and follow up, as appropriate, with economic operators to ensure that any legislative non-compliance are identified, and non-compliant economic operators are appropriately dealt with (up to and including enforcement action).
- Liaising with and supporting local authority MSAs and carrying out active inspections, product testing, enforcement etc. o Leading specific market surveillance campaigns.
- Using the Information and Communication System on Market Surveillance (ICSMS) to record inspections and exchange of information among market surveillance authorities.
- Responding in a timely and appropriate manner to notifications received from Revenue regarding consignments of construction products passing through Customs.
- Responding in a timely and appropriate manner to information or market surveillance alerts (Safety Gate Notifications) to/from other Member States.
- Develop, maintain and implement efficient and effective business processes and procedures for market surveillance activities undertaken including planning, desk-based research, fieldwork and reporting for example updating the Guidelines for Market Surveillance Authorities.
- Training of local authority MSAs - Market Surveillance Authority Guidelines, Information and Communication System on Market Surveillance (ICSMS), regional ups killing of authorised officers in Local Authorities. o Raising awareness and provide information on the CPR and MSR.
- Liaising with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, EU Market Surveillance Authorities, Revenue Commissioners, Customs Authorities and other national authorities as required.