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Retailers (the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) refers to them as distributors) making construction products available on the market on their own (trade) names are indeed considered manufacturers (cf. Article 15). Therefore, they need to draw up their own DoPs for these products.

The involvement of Notified Bodies (see Article 39 of the CPR) depends on the Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) system applicable to the product in question (see Article 28 and Annex V of the CPR). This information may be found both in the applicable harmonised standard (hEN) and in the respective Commission Decision on these systems.

Manufacturers (Economic Operators) of aggregate concrete blocks must have the following information available: 

  1. A copy of the CE Mark.
  2. A valid Declaration of Performance (DOP).
  3. Test Reports to support the declared performance of essential characteristics including in the Declaration of Performance.
  4. Records to confirm that the constituent aggregate conforms to EN 12620:2002+A1:2008 - Aggregates for Concrete.
  5. Records to confirm that the national provisions set out in S.R. 16:2016 Guidance on the use of I.S. EN 12620:2002+A1:2008 - Aggregates for Concrete have been adhered to.
  6.  Certificate of Conformity of the Factory Production Control (FPC) in place for Category I blocks (ACVP System 2+).
  7. The Instructions and safety information relating to the product. 
  8. The means by which products within the scope of EN 771-3 are placed, or made available on the market can be identified and traced throughout the supply chain.


Regulation EU CPR 305/2013, the EU Construction Products Regulation prescribe:

A ‘construction product’ means any product or kit which is produced and placed on the market for incorporation in a permanent manner in construction works or parts thereof and the performance of which has an effect on the performance of the construction works with respect to the basic requirements for construction works; ​

The "basic requirements" for construction works set out in Annex I shall constitute the basis for the preparation of standardisation mandates and harmonised technical specifications. Construction works as a whole and in their separate parts must be fit for their intended use, taking into account in particular the health and safety of persons involved throughout the life cycle of the works. Subject to normal maintenance, construction works must satisfy these basic requirements for construction works for an economically reasonable working life. ​

The seven basic requirements for construction works as set out in Annex I to the Construction Products Regulation are:​

  • Mechanical resistance and stability.​

  • Safety in case of fire.​

  • Hygiene, health and the environment.​

  • Safety and accessibility in use.​

  • Protection against noise.​

  • Energy economy and heat retention.​

  • Sustainable use of natural resources.​

essential characteristics’ means those characteristics of the construction product which relate to the basic requirements for construction works; ​

intended use’ means the intended use of the construction product as defined in the applicable harmonised technical specification.

CPR Chapter II Declaration of Performance and CE marking Article 4.​

When a construction product is covered by a harmonised standard or conforms to a European Technical Assessment which has been issued for it, the manufacturer shall draw up a declaration of performance when such a product is placed on the market.